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Privacy Policy

This is a website belonging to The Travel Center. This policy and any part thereof, apply to all websites belonging to the The Travel Center.

Our postal address is
7555 Commerce Ct
Sarasota, FL • 34243


The Travel Center collects two types of information about its users: 1) personally identifiable information that users provide through optional, voluntary registration on our web sites (personal information); and 2) aggregated (non-personally identifiable) information (aggregate information) that The Travel Center gathers through aggregated tracking, mainly by tallying web page views throughout our web sites. The Travel Center also collects general business information relating to employees, contractors, shareholders, resort managers and other individuals. However, this privacy policy does not outline in detail the use of contractor and employee information.

The Travel Center only collects personal information that is necessary for business purposes. We collect personal information by specifically requesting it from you. Generally this occurs when you request information from us, participate in activities on our web sites, such as promotional offers and sweepstakes. At such times, you give contact information such as name, postal address, e-mail address, and telephone number. When you purchase products and/ or services from us, we will note, for example, your contact information, credit card information, the type of services or products ordered or purchased, and the date of the order or purchase.

When other information such as, gender, age range, number of children, and product and/or service preferences, and related transactional information you may provide to us by any means, including but not limited to through our web-sites and through third parties, by e-mail, telephone, fax or mail, is associated with personal information, this other information also becomes personal information for purposes of this privacy policy. Personal information does not include the name, title or business address or telephone number of an employee of an organization, or the name, address or telephone number of a person that is available in a public telephone directory.

Usage tracking

Use of internet protocol ("ip") addresses. An ip address is a unique number that is automatically assigned to your computer whenever you're surfing the internet so that your computer can be identified by the main computers, known as "web servers," that "serve up" web pages. This allows us to identify and gather general information and data about you, such as the web pages you view.

The Travel Center collects ip addresses for the purposes of system administration, and to audit the use of our web site. When users request pages from The Travel Center web sites, our servers log the users ip addresses. We do not normally link ip addresses to anything personally identifiable, which means that a users session will be logged, but the user will remain anonymous to us. We can and will use ip addresses to identify a user when we feel it is necessary to enforce compliance with our web site terms of use or terms of service or to protect our service, site, users or others.

Use of cookies

What are cookies? Cookies are small pieces of information that a web site sends to your computer for record-keeping purposes, which information is stored in a file on your computer. Cookies make web-surfing easier for you by saving your preferences so that we can use the saved information to facilitate your use of our web site when you return to the site. Cookies do not tell us your individual identity unless you have chosen to provide it to us, nor does your accepting a cookie in any way gives us access to your computer. We never save passwords or credit card information in cookies. The use of cookies is an industry standard, and as such, you'll find that most major web sites use them.

By showing how and when users use a site, cookies help us see which areas are popular and which are not. Many improvements and updates to the site are based on such data as total number of visitors and pages viewed. This information is most easily tracked with cookies. We use the information from cookies to provide services better tailored to our users' needs.

Most cookies expire after a defined period of time, or you can delete your cookie file at any time. Most browsers are initially set up to accept cookies. You can reset your browser to refuse all cookies or indicate when a cookie is being sent. However, note that some parts of The Travel Center services will not function properly or may be considerably slower if you refuse cookies. For example, without cookies, you will not be able to set personalized preferences, and/or may have difficulty completing marketing transactions.

Uses of personal information

As a general rule, The Travel Center does not, and will not, do the following with your personal information: (1) sell or rent your personal information; (2) use the personal information we collect and store to make decisions about granting or extending consumer credit unless you submit a separate credit application and authorize us to use or disclose this information; or (3) act as a consumer reporting agency, or furnish information about any user's credit worthiness, credit standing, credit capacity, character, general reputation, personal characteristics or mode of living to any consumer reporting agency.

We will use and disclose your personal information to others as stated in this The Travel Center privacy policy. We may use personal information in many ways, including sending you information on products and/or services, special deals, promotions. We may use personal information to complete transactions requested by you (such as your purchase of a product or service offered on our web sites), or to send you administrative communications either about your membership with us or about features of our web sites, including any future changes to this privacy policy. We may use personal information to notify sweepstakes winners and award prizes, to monitor site traffic or personalize the site, and to send emails. We also use your personal information for internal quality assurance purposes.

We may supplement the personal information you submitted to us with information from third party sources. For example, we purchase marketing data from third parties and add it to our existing user database, to better target our marketing and to provide pertinent offers in which we think you would be interested. When we associate this information with personal information you have provided to use, this other information also becomes personal information for purposes of this privacy policy.

Usually, The Travel Center business partners use your information to operate the web sites and to deliver services. The Travel Center also uses your information to inform you about other products and/or services available from The Travel Center.

Information sharing and disclosure

As a general rule, we will not disclose your personal information that you submit to us in a manner that connects you with the personal information, except when we have your permission or under special circumstances, such as when we believe in good faith that the law requires it or under the circumstances described below. The following describes some of the ways that your personal information may be disclosed.

Business partners & sponsors

The Travel Center provides personal information to resort operators in order to facilitate a booking that you have requested. Otherwise The Travel Center does not routinely disclose personal information, except where it is necessary to provide you with a service that you have requested such as to make bookings for your travel with airlines. The Travel Center may also disclose some or all of your personal information to our business partners for the sole purpose of confirming your reservation. Many promotions offer opportunities to request additional information from sponsors. By requesting such information, you give The Travel Center permission to transfer your personal information to the sponsor so they can fulfill your request.

Third party & aggregate data

From time to time, you may be offered the opportunity to receive materials or special offers from third parties. If you opt to receive information from these third parties, The Travel Center will share your name, e-mail address and other personal information with such third parties. Under confidentiality agreements with third party service providers, The Travel Center may match personal information with third party data.

Also, The Travel Center may keep track of what portions of the web site users are visiting and other user statistics, and aggregate this information to help us create a better experience for users of our web site. This is done in order to describe our viewers and services to prospective partners, advertisers, and other third parties, and for other lawful purposes.


The Travel Center may disclose personal information and/or account information if required to do so by law, court order or as requested by a governmental or law enforcement authority or in special cases when we have reason to believe that disclosing this personal information is otherwise necessary or advisable (regardless of whether you have opted out from having your personal information shared).

Situations may include: to perform, maintain or enforce contracts formed between us and our members and/or customers, to protect the rights or properties of The Travel Center, our members or others, or when we have reason to believe that disclosing the information is necessary or advisable, including but not limited to, the following situations: to identify, contact or bring legal action against someone who may be violating The Travel Center terms of use or terms of service, or may be causing or threatening to cause injury or damage to or interference with (either intentionally or unintentionally) any of The Travel Center rights or properties, or the rights or properties of The Travel Center employees, or customers, other The Travel Center users, or anyone else that could be harmed by such activities.

Further, The Travel Center may disclose personal information or access account information for administrative and other purposes that we deem necessary, in our sole discretion, to maintain, service, and improve our web site, information, products and/or services.

How can you control the usage of your personal information?

In case you change your mind about personal information that you have provided to us, or some personal information is out of date, is inaccurate, or otherwise changes (such as your postal code or e-mail address), we will try to provide a way to correct, update, or remove such personal information that you give us, as further described below. We also give you the opportunity to control the communications we direct to you by offering. Users the opportunity to "opt out" of receiving communications from The Travel Center and/or having personal information shared with parties outside The Travel Center. If a user wishes to update, correct or otherwise change personal information or objects to any usage provided herein for any reason, he/she may change their information under my account, edit account info.

What happens when you link to a third party web site?

You may not establish a hyperlink to this web site or provide any links that state or imply any sponsorship or endorsement of your web site by The Travel Center, or its affiliates or providers. The Travel Center reserves the right to disable links from any third party sites to the web site. You should be aware that when you are on The Travel Center web sites you could hyperlink or be directed to other web sites that are beyond our control and/or outside our service. For example, if you "click" on a banner advertisement or a The Travel Center search result, the "click" may transfer you off the The Travel Center web sites. Once you link to a third party web site and leave our web site, your interaction with these third party web sites will no longer be governed by our terms of use or privacy policy.

These third party web sites may have separate privacy and data collection practices, and security measures. These other web sites may include web sites of advertisers, timeshare developers, resort operators, sponsors and partners that may use The Travel Center logo as part of a co-branding agreement, although the use of such logo(s) does not imply any endorsement by The Travel Center of the material, content, products, services or information on or at such sites or any association with their operators.

These other web sites may send their own cookies to users and members, collect data, or solicit personal information. The Travel Center does not control such web sites, and, therefore, is not responsible for their contents or the hyperlinks or advertising they choose to place on such web sites; accordingly, your use of these third party sites is at your own risk and is subject to the terms of use and policies set forth at such sites.

The Travel Center inclusion of hyperlinks to these third party web sites do not imply any endorsement of the material on such web sites or any association with their owners or operators. Given that we have no control over such web sites, The Travel Center has no responsibility or liability for the practices, policies and security measures implemented by such third parties on their web sites. We encourage you to contact these third parties to ask questions about their terms of use, privacy practices, policies and security measures before disclosing personally identifiable information on linked web sites. The Travel Center policy does not extend to anything that is inherent in the operation of the internet, which is beyond The Travel Center control.

Please keep in mind that whenever you give out information online (for example, via message boards or chat) that information can be collected and used by people you don't know. While The Travel Center strives to protect their users' personal information and privacy, we cannot guarantee the security of any information you disclose online, and you disclose such information at your own risk.

How we secure your personal information
from others using the The Travel Center web sites?

The security of all information associated with our users is an important concern to us. Unfortunately, given that we do not control transmissions or traffic over the internet or through third party communication service providers, we cannot guarantee or warrant the security of such transmission or your personal information. Your use of the internet and our web site, including your transmission of information to us, is at your own risk. Notwithstanding, once we receive your transmission, The Travel Center uses industry standard efforts designed to safeguard your personal information, such as firewalls and secure socket layers. However, "perfect security" does not exist on the internet.

We do NOT save or store your credit card number on any of our systems.

Your acceptance of these terms

By using our web sites, you signify your agreement with The Travel Center privacy policy. If you do not agree with this policy, please do not use our web sites. The Travel Center reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to modify, alter or otherwise update this privacy policy ("revised policy") at any time without prior notice. Such revised policy shall be effective immediately upon posting, and shall govern your rights and our obligations with respect to the use, disclosure and protection of your information as of such posting. You should check this policy periodically for, and read carefully, any such revised policy if you are concerned about how your information will be used and before continuing on with your use of this web site. Your continued use of The Travel Center web sites following the posting of changes to these terms will mean you accept those changes.


Please exercise discretion while browsing the internet and using this web site. You should be aware that when you are using this web site, you could be directed to other sites that are beyond our control ("linked sites") which are operated by parties other than The Travel Center. The linked sites are provided for your convenience and information only. For example, if you "click" on a banner advertisement or a search result, the "click" may take you off this web site. This includes, but is not limited to, links from advertisers, sponsors, and content partners that may use our logo(s) as part of a co-branding agreement. The Travel Center does not control such linked sites and is not responsible for or liable for your use of such linked sites or for the accuracy or legality of information, content or any other materials contained on or available from linked sites.

As such, you access the linked sites at your own risk. By providing these links, The Travel Center is not endorsing, sponsoring or recommending any such linked sites or the information, content or other materials contained on, disseminated by, or services provided by or through them (whether or not The Travel Center is affiliated with the owners of such linked sites). The Travel Center makes no representations concerning the content of linked sites. Linked sites may have terms of use that differ from, or contain terms in addition to, the terms specified here. Your use of linked sites through links provided on this web site is governed by the terms of use, privacy policies and/or any other policies of the linked sites, not this web site.

You may not establish a hyperlink to this web site or provide any links that state or imply any sponsorship or endorsement of your web site by The Travel Center, or its affiliates or providers reserves the right to disable links from any third party sites to the web site.